The Friends of Aranda Bushland (FoAB) is a park care group established to enhance the natural ambience and ecology of the Aranda Bushland. Friends of Aranda Bushland is an organisation incorporated under the Associations Incorporation Act 1991 (ACT)
The Aranda Bushland is a 100 ha reserve of eucalypt forest and woodland on the southern slopes of Aranda Hill, the north side being the suburb Aranda.
It adjoins Black Mountain Reserve to the east and Mount Painter Nature Reserve to the west, and forms part of Canberra Nature Park, a network of urban open space reserves throughout the national capital.
We have been active in the conservation of the Aranda Snow Gums Heritage Site, a frost hollow below the Aranda Bushland, adjacent to William Hovell Drive. This is the only surviving Snow Gum patch within the city of Canberra.

FoAB members undertake regular erosion control, weed control and monitoring activities, and also conduct guided walks in spring, concentrating on the many indigenous orchid species.
Maps of the Aranda Bushland
You can view and download three different maps of the Aranda Bushland:
- a contour map,
- a map of place names, and
- a map of track names
When reporting things such as fallen trees, tracks that need repair or an interesting sighting, please use either GPS co-ordinates or the correct place or track name as in the above maps.
We have also produced a brochure of the Aranda Bushland.
Membership is free and open to anyone interested in the conservation of our local bushland. Members receive emails about monthly work parties and other activities. If you would like to join, please go to our Membership page.
Our constitution can be read here.
Monthly work parties

On the first Sunday of every month, we have a work party, either in the Snow Gums or in the Aranda bushland. Activities vary according to the time of year.
In spring and summer, our energies are concentrated on weeding – St John’s Wort, Paterson’s Curse, wild mustard, African Capeweed and others need to be controlled so that the native grassland species have the space to grow.

In autumn we switch to the planting of native grasses and similar low-growing species. Winter is the time for repairing the walking tracks and controlling erosion in the gully.
FOAB Annual General Meeting/Barbecue
Our AGM will be held at 48 Mirning Crescent, Aranda
Sunday, 23rd February 2025, commencing at 11:00 am
Details of the AGM are in the email sent to all FOAB members on the 1st February 2025
The meeting will be followed by a lunchtime barbecue to which all are welcome, including spouses
For more information, contact Jenny on 0404 786 355
Our next regular monthly work party
Sunday 2nd March, 8:30 to 11:30 am
Details will be posted here on the Wednesday before the work party
If you would like to receive our monthly work party notices, please go to our Membership page
For more information, contact Jenny on 0404 786 355

Our Patch
Friends of Aranda Bushland Field Guide to the Flora of the Australian Capital Region as photographed in the Aranda Bushland (2nd ed, 2007).
The guide contains 179 plant species, 302 colour photos, two maps and an index. It was put together by FoAB members with the help of the Botanical Gardens Herbarium staff and a grant from the Federal government. It’s a perfect size for carrying in pockets and backpacks, and provides an easy-to-use- aid to identifying the flora of the Aranda Bushland.
Our Patch is available from FoAB, but can also be obtained at the Botanical Bookshop, the Uni Co-op Bookshop and the Yarralumla Nursery.
We thank BluePackets for their generosity in hosting this website.