The Frost Hollow to Forest Education Project has been run by the Friends of Aranda Bushland, one of the longest-established Park Care groups of volunteers within Environment ACT. In 2004 the group was awarded ACT Environment Grant Program funding to develop a Frost Hollow to Forest Education Kit to complement the group’s highly successful publication Our Patch and the self-guided Frost Hollow to Forest Walk.
The following people contributed to this project and are warmly thanked by the education sub-committee –
Bill White – website designer, photographer, text contributor (food web, survival, termite mounds, scribbly gums introductory, eucalypts, fungi, succession, vegetation changes, reptiles, flowers), school group leader, treasurer, display assistant
Hanna Jaireth – grant application and administration, project coordinator, art competition coordinator, text contributor (introduction, mistletoe, tree hollows, Ngambri and liaison with Indigenous families, evaluation questionnaires), reptile survey licence, art competition launch and display coordinator, media
Mary Falconer – grant application, text contributor (weeding), school group leader, art competition, display assistant, media
Anna McKenzie – text contributor (birds – introductory, black and white birds, beaks and feet, curriculum issues), sculpture display
Megan Lech – text contributor (introductory geology)
Andrew McPherson – text contributor (soils of the area)
Robyn Thomas – wildlife sculptor, display contributor
Diana Brown – text contributor (nature writing), text editor, display assistant
Rachelle McConville – Waterwatch activity coordinator, text contributor (waterwatch), school group leader
Peter Ormay – text contributor (frogs introductory, frog calls), reptile survey, display assistant, content adviser
Rosemary von Behrens – art competition judge
Sally Visser-Marchant – art competition judge
Janet Twigg-Patterson – art competition judge
Kimberly Baker – art competition judge
Geoff Robertson – reptile survey
Cor Visser-Marchant – certificate design for art competition winners
Jean Geue – activity contributor (bird calls), display assistant
David Kelly – grant application, display assistant, web helper
Dierk von Behrens – school group leader, activity designer, art competition, text contributor (mosses & lichens), content adviser
Michael Bedingfield – artwork, vegetation changes
Bill Packard – school group leader
Ian Falconer – display assistant
Jacaranda Press (art competition prizes)
The Art Shop (art competition prizes)
The Chronicle and The Canberra Times (articles)
Jamison Printers (printing)
Sarah Sharp (art competition launch)
Bill Woodruff (display stands)
Peter Britz (seat design)
Paul Jamieson (wood sculptor, seat design)
Please enjoy the results of everyone’s input!